To Team AQIWO!
It is a pleasure to welcome you into our circle. Your arrival adds to and changes our company - and we are certain that the experiences you have with us will change you as well. It is our goal that these experiences be positive and fulfilling - that they add dimension and wisdom as we travel along mutual paths of growth and development.
We have been thoughtful in selecting you as a member of the AQIWO team. Skills, education, certifications, and accomplishments are important things we thought about while considering your interest in us. Who you are is of equal importance - your business ethics and your commitment to quality, team, and client satisfaction counts for a great deal as well.
Honor plays a major role in the company we are and the business we transact. Honor begins with how we truthfully consider and represent ourselves as individuals, how we openly and positively interact with members of our team, and ultimately how we deliver clear value to our clients and their clients.
Respect acknowledges differences between people or points-of-view and allows for the hearing and weighing of ideas; respect is also seen in how thoughtful people treat time and resources.
Patience is valued for its role in allowing us to "go the hard mile" - to find the right way to solve a problem or put someones concerns to rest.
Diligence is working from the heart to accomplish a task in a thorough, satisfying, and timely manner.
Curiosity is the desire to learn more, to understand how and why something is as it is - and how to do a job as well as it can be done. From this day forward our paths are linked - and we are very pleased that you have chosen us as well. We will do all that we can to be worthy of your commitment.